Friday, February 19, 2010

February 19, 2010

Cormac is now eating cereal and peas. How exciting, for him! He has more fun squishing the stuff between his fingers.

February 14th, 2010

I know I am late to post this. I just can't find time to get to the computer. This is a really mundane picture, just my son's gift to his Nana.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

February 10, 2010

Edited: a work in progress. Auto correct, but it looks way off. The others are SOOC so I will have to play more with those. Really just need to brighten and remove wrinkles. I think I will try this again tomorrow or Saturday with a little more natural light.

February 9th, 2010

Bedtime. He really looks annoyed, pry should put the camera down.


February 8th, 2010

Cormac has had his first taste of cereal. I think the expression on his face says it perfectly, "what is this?".

Sunday, February 7, 2010

February 7, 2010

I was the bad mom who left his snow gear at school, so we fashioned some makeshift boots, they did the trick.

Snowman building and more some emergency bath pictures. If you have had a little one, you know all about emergency baths.

February 6, 2010

Lightscoop Obviously he agrees flash stinks!
On board Flash

I am getting behind. Being sick for a week does not help! I finally got my new lightscoop so I can take some decent indoor pictures, well lighting wise anyway. Here are some examples.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 32: Hats

I am too sick to care that these are really a poor showing. My aunt made the hats so I grabbed some quick pics for her tonight. My lightscoop is on the way so that will open me up to more opportunities since I shoot at night.