Monday, July 8, 2013

Day 3 - Check!

I awoke and my headache was gone- thank you!! I am still feeling really sluggish in the mornings and late afternoon- it's all I can do to not nap with my younger son.  I realized today that eating on the road, can cause some issues.  So lunch was nothing special and I am sure it did not meet the Whole 30 standards, but veggies were not available.

Breakfast: a couple slices of the quiche- trying to polish that off, and some monkey salad.  I think next time I make it I will try the white sweet potatoes- it's just too sweet for my taste.

Lunch: A sad mix of a Cherry Pie Lara bar (my favorite!) and a couple of slices of whole 30 approved beef jerky my husband made.  Not exciting at all, and no pics since we were driving to Splash Station.

Dinner: Spaghetti squash spaghetti, using this recipe for the sauce.  I omitted the sugar, but it was still fantastic, and I saw no need for the sugar at all.  I also chopped up some cucumber and carrots and topped with a little homemade greek dressing using this recipe.

Snacks: I didn't have any snacks today, which I am glad considering how little I ate for lunch.  I felt completely satisfied after each meal- which is a bonus.  
Exercise: 20 minutes on the bag, and sit-ups. Nothing fantastic. 

On a side note- took the kids to Splash Station today.  Even though it was 90 degrees the water was super cold! So my baby cried, the middle one pouted, and the older one tried to have fun but gave up. Oh well next time! 

Splash Station 

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